YourStoryTeller Platform is an open-source platform designed to create digital stories in quick-time in a cost effective manner. The key features of this platform is its ready-made assets like local characters, localised backgrounds, audios & effects to produce digital stories supported by local language translations.
A dedicated mobile app for the partners to disseminate their stories. The app is custom designed as per the partners needs with customised branding and storytelling approach. The app also provides detailed analytics about usage and uptake of stories. The storytelling app is promoted through Google Play Store.
We have distilled our learning about StoryTelling. We conduct hands-on story design workshops to assist communities and organisations to tell and document their own stories. We train them to conceptualise, build storyboards, create assets and use StoryTelling platform to publish and distribute the stories.
StoryTelling Clubs Storytelling clubs are established in communities, NGOs, Institutions, Corporate offices, CSRs, and Government Organisations to conduct regular focused group discussions around stories from YourStoryTeller app. Each story is supported by a discussion guide for user groups to follow. Storytelling Clubs sensitise people about grass-root issues.